Hello! My name is Veronica, I want to say that I am excited to be a member of this site. I started taking courses for design at a community college about 2 years ago in Chicago. I recently moved to San Francisco with my boyfriend, without finishing my last year and getting a degree. I learn more looking at tutorials, speaking with professionals and I don't really believe you NEED a degree in order to gain business. I'm kind of a rookie, but I managed getting hooked up with a gig doing freelance technical Illustrations in January. I have already done 3 projects. A line drawing of elbow pipes, coupling, nipples; an isometric ground and rooftop solar panels; a large isometric cutaway of a data center and the products that the company sells. I have experienced some obstacles so far such as me not having the basic knowledge of technical illustrations in the first place, me not asking the client the right questions, lacking enough experience in illustrator. Luckily I love being thrown into challenges, and I have learned a lot. There is still room for improvement, though. This is why I came here. I want to know tips such as how to save time and different techniques and tools I can use to make my illustrations more accurate and appealing. I want to try other programs other than adobe illustrator and photoshop.