thats impressive. If you can use those softwares with ease that certainly is a good skill to have. I usually will try cheat, because Im still middle of the road on how to use the rendering systems for those softwares. So I will blend different softwares to create the final rendition.abrown wrote:Hi, JuanCal. I rendered it in 3dsmax. Instead of photoshop, I used Blender's composite tool. I'm starting to prefer it's node editor-- i can always go back and change things...
I also like the Node base used in Blender it sort of reminds me of Photoshop tools, like soft light, multiply, blending colors, scale, translate, tinting etc.
anything to get the best Illustrations out ehere fast and with good quality. The industry is certainly shifting gotta keep up. I started back in 1997 just as frame of reference.
Are you noticing the same trend?